Class of 1972

This is my invitation to Alumnae, Friends and Newcomers
to visit and revisit these pages containing images that are indelible in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls! It invites us to give pause and
appreciate who the RSCJs were and what they dedicated themselves to: our education on a broad expanse and an anchoring experience to guide us ever onward!
- Patricia A. Wolf
NCSH 1968

Click on the recording to hear the Newtones sing "So glad I'm here"
Quote from a bulletin from
Sister Helen McLaughlin, RSCJ
Superior of the Society of the Sacred Heart
in 1991.

We gather round the Well in cyberspace...

Click to see yearbooks, 885, & catalogs and Newton Newsnotes
Newton College of the Sacred Heart - Boston College University Archives - Libraries at Boston College (

First and foremost, my unending gratitude goes to Carol Putnam's sister, Polly Chatfield and her daughter, Barbara for sharing their time and so many of Carol's papers and art.
Ongoing thanks:
To Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ, Provencial Archivist for the Society of the Sacred Heart in St. Louis who always shares the photos and files I request. Click to see Archives |
To Judy McCluskey Flood '66' and her classmates who campaign
tirelessly for the Carol Putnam room at BC and for her support for my projects.
To Judy Connorton '66' for her commitment to pay tribute to Faine McMullen as well as Deborah Carr '67' and Mary Lou Hinchey Clemons, also Class of 1967.
And special thanks to my neighbor, Alisa Korosteleva whose patience and guidance made this website come true!
May 25, 2021