Class of 1972
Click here to read about St. Madeleine Sophie
It is not merely for our own sakes that we should become interior souls; we should, have constantly before our eyes the children who will come to claim spiritual help from us, help that without prayer we shall never be able to give them. St. Madeleine Sophie Barat
Named for Madeleine Sophie Barat,
Foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart
in France in the year of 1800.
Named for Janet Erskine Stuart
Our loving-kindness with ourselves is the source of our loving-kindness to others.
When we develop this consciousness within ourselves and toward ourselves, then we can offer genuine, Christ-like love, tolerance and compassion to others. This is the true work (and reward) of our life. Janet Stuart rscj
Stuart House from 1950 yearbook
Stuart House from 1975 yearbook
Click here to read Wikipedia page about the Harriman Estate
In February of 1946, the 18 acre Harriman Estate was purchased with the agreement that the Harrimans would continue to live there until such time as they chose to vacate which occurred in 1950. At that time,
the building was named for Philippine Duchesne and served as housing for the growing student body.
Click on the pdf below to learn more about
Philippine Duchesne RSCJ
Lord, You alone are the Center in which I find my rest. Give me Your arm to support me, Your shoulders to carry me, Your breast to lean upon, Your cross to uphold me, Your body to nourish me. In You, Lord, I sleep and rest in peace. Philippine Duchesne
Circa 1948, Newton acquired the Rutherford Estate. a framed house which was converted into much needed dormitory space. It was closer to Centre St. and was named for Aloysia Hardey RSCJ Click on pdf below
Click here to read about Philippine Duchesne, Aloysia Hardey, Madeleine Sophie Barat and the Society of the Sacred Heart, and Caroline Canfield Putnam from the Encyclopedia of American Catholic History, 1997.